Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

of Physical Rehabilitation

Casa di Cura "Villa Immacolata"

Post-acute intensive rehabilitation

For the recovery of significant, modifiable disabilities that require a high level of specialized medical diagnostic commitment with a rehabilitative focus.

Casa di Cura "Villa Immacolata"

Extensive Inpatient Rehabilitation

A rehabilitative service for the recovery or maintenance in patients affected by neurological and orthopedic pathologies.

Casa di Cura "Villa Immacolata"

Semi-residential rehabilitation

Discover the dedicated area for the continuity of rehabilitative treatments.

Casa di Cura "Villa Immacolata"

Outpatient and at-home Rehabilitation

Outpatient rehabilitation services for patients of all ages.

Contacts and information

Contact Center
+39 0761 29251

Capranica Outpatient Clinic
+39 0761 669187

All Numbers

"Villa Immacolata" Health Clinic is property of Provincia Romana Camilliani