Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

Nursing Home

Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

Nursing Home

Our Nursing Home ward offers social and medical support to patients affected by:

  • Senescence,referring to elderly individuals with temporary, total, or permanent limitation of their self-sufficiency due to chronic-degenerative conditions.
  • Disability,referring to adult individuals with functional disabilities in a condition of non-autosufficiency, also affected by chronic illnesses.

The Nursing Home (RSA) provides health, care, functional recovery, and social inclusion services. Care activities are primarily aimed at individuals who are not self-sufficient, including elderly individuals who cannot be assisted at home and do not require hospital-type facilities for admission.
The RSA provides health, care, functional recovery, and social integration services with the fundamental aim of optimizing the quality of life for each user. The facility promotes collaboration with volunteer associations for spiritual, recreational, and leisure activities.

Services Offered by the Department:

  • 24-hour medical and nursing surveillance
  • Specialized services
  • Rehabilitation assistance
  • Dietary Service
  • Psychological support

The Ward

Villa Immacolata is accredited with Regione Lazio, as per DCA 181/2014

Carmine Cafariello, Geriatrics Specialist – Department Director

Manuel Soldato, Specialist in Geriatrics – Medical Director

Roberto Pacifici – Nursing Manager

The care activities are primarily directed towards individuals who are not self-sufficient, including elderly individuals who cannot be assisted at home and do not require admission to hospital-type facilities.

The fundamental goal is to optimize the quality of life for each individual user.

Through a multidimensional assessment of each user, Individual Care Projects are developed to achieve the maintenance and, where possible, enhancement of residual functional and cognitive capacities.

The facility promotes collaboration with volunteer associations for spiritual, recreational, and leisure activities.

In the RSA, services are provided in compliance with regional regulations:

  • General medical services, specialized services, pharmaceutical services covered by the Regional Health Service (S.S.R.) under the conditions and procedures specified for the general population, also through district and company services.
  • 24-hour nursing services
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Dietary consultation and control
  • Prosthetic, dental, and podiatric services under the conditions and procedures specified for the general population
  • Prevention of immobilization syndrome
  • Psychological support services
  • Ambulance transport service for transfers required for healthcare services outside the facility.


Access to RSA is requested by the general practitioner. The request for a multidisciplinary assessment for RSA access, complete with Socio-Anagraphic Form and access proposal filled out by the general practitioner, is forwarded to the PUA (Single Access Point) of the relevant ASL District for evaluation. Once the evaluation is completed, an Authorization Certificate for entry into RSA is issued, to be submitted to the competent offices of the ASL of Viterbo for choosing the Facility and placement on waiting lists. The authorization is notified to the individual or family for Facility selection. Online sharing with the ASL Portal allows the Admissions and S.I.O. Office of the facility to view the waiting list and contact, upon notification from the ASL, the individual or family to formalize admission and agree on entry into the RSA's relevant module.

At the time of admission, the commitment to payment must be signed, along with the following documentation:

a) Copy of a valid identification document for both the user and the family member responsible for payment;

b) Copy of the Health Card;

c) Any decree appointing Administrator of Support/Tutor and a copy of the identification document;

d) Certificate authorizing entry into RSA, issued by the Evaluative Unit of the relevant ASL;

e) ISEE documentation, optional to request contributions from the municipality of residence;

f) Any other documentation that the RSA may deem necessary to request;

g) For users with confirmed disability:

  • Certificate attesting to civil disability/Law No. 104/92;
  • Exemption from co-payment certification.

The stay in RSA involves cost sharing by the user, who, under certain conditions, can request integration to cover all or part of this fee from the municipality of residence.

Users eligible for cost sharing by municipalities are those who demonstrate possession of an I.S.E.E. (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) that allows access to this benefit, according to current regulations.

The municipality's request for a share of the expenditure must be renewed annually.

For people not entitled to the municipality's share of the expenditure, the facility requires the signing of a commitment to pay the fee.

The amount related to the participation, if due, must be paid by the user/family at the Accounting and Local Finance Office.

Life in the ward:

As a precautionary measure to contain Covid-19 contagion, visits are possible at the moment by appointment arranged with the ward.

Doctors meet with patients' relatives by appointment. All appointments must be made with the Nursing Coordinator of the department.


The Ward

Admissions and Outpatient Bookings


"Villa Immacolata" Health Clinic is property of Provincia Romana Camilliani