Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”


Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”


Villa Immacolata is home to a branch of the "Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore", Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia A. Gemelli, for batchelor degree courses in Physiotherapy

Admission to the degree program is through a competitive entrance exam. Details of the admission test procedure, can be found on the website:

Additionally, the Training Center in San Martino al Cimino is one of the most accredited Training Centers in the province of Viterbo

Released Title

Batchelor Degree in Physiotherapy

Course duration

3 years

Admin Services

Paola Calevi – Emanuela Capano

The educational center is open monday to friday from 8am to 4pm.

Contacts and information

Contact Center
+39 0761 29251

Capranica Outpatient Clinic
+39 0761 669187

All Numbers

"Villa Immacolata" Health Clinic is property of Provincia Romana Camilliani