Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

Semi-residential rehabilitation

Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

Semi-residential rehabilitation

The rehabilitative activity in the Semi-Residential Regime does not involve overnight hospitalization but rather daytime hospitalization during which the patient undergoes physiotherapeutic, occupational, and socialization activities, as well as psychological support where necessary.
Semi-residential rehabilitation is aimed at patients with stable or chronic complex disabilities who require continuous rehabilitative therapies or targeted rehabilitative interventions.

Services provided by the facility:

  • Neuromotor Rehabilitation
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Psychological Support
  • Language Therapy
  • Socialization Activities
  • Nursing Services
  • Dietary Consultation and Control

The Ward

Villa Immacolata is accredited with Regione Lazio, as per DCA 181/2014

Romeo Gatti, Specialist in Rheumatology – Department Director

Pietro Matteucci, Specialist in Orthopedics  – Medical Director

Caterina Cattel, Specialist in Geriatrics – Medical Director

Francesca Ugolini - Coordinator of Physical Therapists in the Semi-Residential Territorial Rehabilitation Sector

Sonia D’Agostino – Nursing Coordinator

Users who meet the following criteria are eligible for extensive rehabilitation:

  • Tolerance to rehabilitation treatments based on the modifiability of the functional framework;
  • Sufficiently stabilized general clinical conditions;
  • Complex disability with slower functional recovery;
  • Worsening of previously stabilized conditions that cannot benefit effectively from intensive treatment;
  • Presence of care needs that are not deliverable on an outpatient or home-based basis;
  • The patient can perform, functionally, one to three hours of rehabilitative activities per day;
  • The patient must be able to actively participate in the rehabilitation program.

Users eligible for Maintenance Rehabilitation, on the other hand, are those with severe complex disabilities not manageable at home and requiring continuous/daytime recovery actions.

Rehabilitative services provided in a residential setting include the following:

  • Robotic Therapy
  • Neuromotor Therapy
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Rehabilitation
  • Instrumental Physical Therapy
  • Psychological Therapy
  • Dysphagia Training
  • Respiratory Rehabilitation
  • Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
  • Functional Bandaging
  • Prosthetics
  • Orthotics
  • Nursing activities aimed at recovering Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
  • Dietary Consultation and Control

The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art tools to support and integrate the work of rehabilitation staff, increasing the effectiveness and intensity of rehabilitative intervention, as well as anticipating recovery times. Among the tools present in our center:

  • Muscular Vibratory Energy Devices
  • Baropodometric Treadmill
  • Paths with sensory mats for balance and proprioception training
  • Treadmill with specific rehabilitation programs
  • Cycle ergometer

Discover Robotics Therapy Robotic Therapy


The following documents must be provided at the time of admission:

a) Copy of a valid identification document for the user;

b) Copy of the User's Health Card;

c) Any decree appointing Administrator of Support/Tutor and a copy of the identification document;

d) Any other documentation that the office may deem appropriate to request;

e) For users with established disability:

  • Certificate attesting to civil disability/Law No. 104/92;
  • Exemption from co-payment certification.

The maintenance residential hospitalization involves a user's participation fee. If specific income conditions are met, the user can request integration to fully or partially cover this fee from the municipality of residence.

Users who demonstrate possession of an I.S.E.E. (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) allowing access to this benefit according to current regulations are entitled to participate in the municipality's expenditure.

The municipality's request for a share of the expenditure must be renewed annually.

For people not entitled to the municipality's share of the expenditure, the facility requires the signing of a commitment to pay the fee.

The amount related to the participation, if due, must be paid by the user/family at the Accounting and Local Finance Office.

Life in the ward:

As a precautionary measure to contain Covid-19 contagion, visits are possible at the moment by appointment arranged with the ward.

At the time of admission, it is necessary for the guest to be equipped with the following material:
  • Personal hygiene items (liquid soap for hands and body, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste/mouthwash, deodorant, nail scissors/nail clippers, comb/hairbrush);

  • Day and night clothing (sufficient quantity to ensure one or more daily changes);

  • Any orthopedic and/or incontinence aids already in use.

clothing should be renewed at the beginning of each season and adapted to the climate change.

Useful information

Absences exceeding 7 consecutive days, due to illness, will not interrupt the rehabilitation project if justified by a specific medical certificate, to be mandatory delivered to the therapist on the day of return.

Sundays and public holidays, if included in the period of absence, must be counted for the certification of absences.

Absences exceeding 7 consecutive days not justified by illness may result in the closure of the rehabilitation project.

Similarly, frequent absences, even for short periods, prejudicing the ongoing rehabilitation project, may result in the discharge of the user.


The Ward

Admissions and Outpatient Bookings


"Villa Immacolata" Health Clinic is property of Provincia Romana Camilliani