Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”


Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

High-Tech Rehabilitation

The "Villa Immacolata" Treatment Centre is equipped with a department completely dedicated to High Technology Rehabilitation, aimed at users from all rehabilitation care settings. The use of sophisticated machinery, combined with effective rehabilitation plans and the constant care of our physiotherapists, allows us to optimise and make rehabilitation activities even more effective, achieving important results.

High-tech rehabilitation activities are particularly effective in patients with neurological and orthopaedic diseases with disorders that impair various activities of daily living.

Our services:

The facility is equipped with multiple upper limb rehabilitation solutions to enable the recovery of arm and shoulder function.

The robotic and sensory device can be used in all phases of rehabilitation in neurology, paediatrics, orthopaedics and geriatrics. It is equipped with virtual reality that supports cognitive rehabilitation and stimulates neuroplastic changes in the brain, and enables the recording of arm positions and joint angles via sensors, and interactive treatments with symmetrical, asymmetrical and cyclic movements.

The sensory robotic device enables an interactive pathway applicable to adults and children at various stages of rehabilitation.

It is equipped with different supports, the 'Multiboard' and the 'Multiball', which allow movement to be guided even with patients with greater difficulties.

Integrated force sensors measure the flexion and extension of the hand, as well as the angles of the joints involved, while inertial position sensors determine and record each movement required.

Thanks to the combination of software and motion sensors, the proposed rehabilitation exercises, by means of interactive games, realise audio-visual feedback, which increases motivation and enables targeted treatment for each user.

Through the use of sophisticated robotics and a playful approach, the device can be offered to both child and adult, making visible even the smallest variations that are the basis for achieving major rehabilitation goals.

It provides different programmes for measuring strength, range of motion, tone and spasticity, providing objective data useful for proposing a specific individual rehabilitation pathway.

It allows an approach in passive, active and active-assisted modes by varying and determining the level of support by setting limits on force, speed and various ranges of movement.

The facility is equipped with a continuously adjustable verticaliser with a robotic stepper for early and intensive rehabilitation that is essential to speed up and minimise complications.

It allows intensive verticalisation and mobilisation with cyclic loading and unloading of the lower limbs from the earliest stages of rehabilitation, ensuring patient comfort and safety during all phases of training.

Muscular Vibrational Energy (M.V.E.) exploits the effect of compressing and decompressing air, generated by acoustic waves of varying intensity and radiated onto certain areas of the body.

The vibrations are thus perceived by skin and muscle receptors and transmitted to the central nervous system, triggering physiological mechanisms that stimulate the development of muscle tissue.

E.V.M. produces muscular and neurological benefits by increasing muscle power, improving proprioception and the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatments.

The department makes use of the 'MOTORE' machine technology for upper limb rehabilitation. The machine is particularly suitable for patients with disabilities caused by stroke and in post-traumatic and cognitive functional recovery, and is able to assist in the execution of the movements required for the best rehabilitation treatment.

The Ultra+® machine is characterised by a biomechatronic system that promotes rehabilitation of the upper limbs by means of a sensorised arm. Its use promotes rehabilitation in patients who have undergone surgery or after an ischaemic event or stroke, allowing progress to be checked at the end of each session and thus affecting the patient's motivation.


Territorial Rehabilitation Extensive Residential Regime

Territorial Rehabilitation Semi-residential Regime

Territorial Non-Residential Rehabilitation

Villa Immacolata Outpatient Clinic

Capranica Outpatient Clinic


Admissions and Outpatient Bookings


"Villa Immacolata" Health Clinic is property of Provincia Romana Camilliani