Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

Outpatient and At-Home Developmental Age Rehabilitation

Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

Outpatient and At-Home Developmental Age Rehabilitation

Our ambulatory rehabilitation treatment is available in the following modalities:

  • Outpatient
  • At-home

The service is focused on the recovery and functional re-education and/or maintenance of acquired skills through the preparation of an Individual Rehabilitation Project, carried out by a multi-professional rehabilitation team. Each user will have access to a wide range of treatments.

Services provided by the facility:

  • Neuromotor Rehabilitation
  • Speech therapy rehabilitation
  • Cognitive-neuropsychological rehabilitation
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Social skills group
  • Executive functions group
  • Compensatory tools group for learning
  • Parent training
  • Counseling with schools
  • Neuro-sensory paths

The Ward

Villa Immacolata is accredited with Regione Lazio, as per DCA 180/2014 (Capranica Outpatient Clinic) and DCA 181/2014 (San Martino al Cimino Headquarters).

Romeo Gatti, Specialist in Rheumatology – Department Director

Pietro Matteucci, Specialist in Orthopedics – Medical Head

Francesca Ugolini – Coordinator of Non-Residential Physiotherapists Sector

Sonia D’Agostino - Nursing Coordinator


Capranica Outpatient Clinic

Romeo Gatti, Specialist in Rheumatology – Department Director

Pietro Matteucci, Specialist in Rheumatology – Department Director

Maria Capano – Practice Manager Capranica

Olga Bitti – Rehabilitation Area Coordinator

People with complex, often multiple, disabilities with possible permanent outcomes are eligible for outpatient rehabilitation treatment.

People with complex, often multiple, disabilities with possible permanent outcomes in stable clinical conditions that cannot access outpatient facilities due to particular clinical and/or social conditions are eligible for at-home rehabilitation treatment.

The department offers treatments for language disorders, learning disorders, coordination disorders, sensory disorders, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, genetic syndromes, cognitive deficits, infantile cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophies, and motor disorders.


At the time of acceptance, the following documentation must be presented:

a) Copy of a valid user identification document or, in the case of a minor user, of both parents or the guardian/administrator of support;

b) Referral from the patient's local ASL Specialist or a referral letter from a private specialist accompanied by a prescription from a General Practitioner (in this case, the date on the prescription must be subsequent to the date of the specialist's referral).

For further information, please contact the Admission and Booking Office.

Useful information

At each access, the user must sign the specific form for attendance verification.

If the patient is unable to sign, this will be done by a family member or authorized person.

The facility reserves the right to amend therapy hours, with timely communication to the user.

Any absence must be reported in writing to the email address:

Absences exceeding 7 consecutive days, due to illness, will not interrupt the rehabilitation project if justified by a specific medical certificate, to be mandatory delivered to the therapist on the day of return.
Sundays and public holidays, if included in the period of absence, must be counted for the certification of absences.
Absences exceeding 7 consecutive days not justified by illness may result in the closure of the rehabilitation project.
Similarly, frequent absences, even for short periods, prejudicing the ongoing rehabilitation project, may result in the discharge of the user.


Admissions and Outpatient Bookings

Capranica Outpatient Clinic


"Villa Immacolata" Health Clinic is property of Provincia Romana Camilliani