Casa di Cura “Villa Immacolata”​

Intensive Nursing Home

Casa di Cura
“Villa Immacolata”

Intensive Nursing Home

"The Intensive RSA Unit provides high-intensity healthcare and assistance services aimed at individuals with non-acute pathologies, in conditions of minimal responsiveness, suffering from a vegetative state or minimal consciousness, ALS, or other advanced neurodegenerative syndromes, requiring respiratory assistance, with tracheotomy, enteral or parenteral artificial nutrition, or confined to bed with total dependence for feeding, sphincter control, personal hygiene, in a phase of clinical stabilization, having completed the necessary previous rehabilitation protocols but unable to be assisted at home due to social or technical-organizational issues.

Services provided by the facility:

  • Nursing Interventions
  • Basic Diagnostic Assistance
  • Specialized Consultations
  • Rehabilitative Assistance
  • Dietary Service
  • Psychological support

The Ward

Villa Immacolata is accredited with Regione Lazio, as per DCA 181/2014

Carmine Cafariello, Geriatrics Specialist – Department Director

Manuel Soldato, Geriatrics Specialist – Medical Manager

Roberto Pacifici – Nursing Manager

Filomena Salvatore - Nursing Coordinator

The purpose of the Intensive RSA Unit is to provide, in a hospitalization setting, services aimed at treating patients in a phase of clinical stabilization who have completed the necessary previous rehabilitation protocols but cannot be assisted at home due to social or technical-organizational issues.

Vegetative or minimal consciousness state, ALS or other advanced neurodegenerative syndromes, in patients requiring respiratory assistance, with tracheotomy, enteral or parenteral artificial nutrition, or otherwise confined to bed and with total dependence for feeding, sphincter control, and personal hygiene.

We proovide the following services through a multidisciplinary approach to disability:

  • 24-hour medical and nursing care
  • Nursing interventions with high specificity and secondary prevention
  • Medical specialist evaluative interventions
  • Therapeutic, rehabilitative, and re-educational assessments not deliverable in another form
  • Diagnostic, medical, nursing, and rehabilitative assistance
  • Specialized consultations in cardiology, urology, neurology, internal medicine, ophthalmology, and all those necessary based on the care needs of patients
  • Nursing activities with physiotherapy to maintain conditions already achieved within hospital departments and rehabilitation from the place of origin, as well as to prevent further complications from overlapping pathologies
  • Program coordination with the medical-specialist team, guided intervention, and collaboration of family members in all activities that, with family stimuli to the patient, aim to awaken reactive consciousness to the external environment and/or support the user in relationships and communication.


Access to the Intensive Residential Assistance Unit is proposed alternately by the hospital ward doctor, the general practitioner, or the territorial services of the ASL and sent to the Evaluative Unit of the resident ASL. Once the evaluation is completed, an Authorization Certificate for entry into the Intensive Nursing Home is issued, to be submitted to the competent offices of the ASL of Viterbo for choosing the Facility and placement on waiting lists. Online sharing with the ASL Portal allows the Admissions and S.I.O. Office of the facility to view the waiting list and contact, upon notification from the ASL, the originating ward, the individual or family, to formalize admission and agree on entry into the Intensive RSA."

At the time of admission, the following documentation must be presented:

a) Copy of a valid identification document for both the user and the family member responsible for payment;

b) Copy of the Health Card;

c) Any decree appointing Administrator of Support/Tutor and a copy of the identification document;

d) Certificate authorizing entry into RSA, issued by the Evaluative Unit of the relevant ASL;

e) ISEE documentation, optional to request contributions from the municipality of residence;

f) Any other documentation that the RSA may deem necessary to request;

  • Certificate attesting to civil disability/Law No. 104/92;
  • Exemption from co-payment certification.

At the time of admission, it is necessary to provide the guest with personal hygiene accessories (liquid hand soap, shampoo, shower gel, sponge, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste and/or denture cleaning tablets, electric razor, bidet and face towels, bath towel) and disposable cups; it is recommended to provide 4 or more changes of clothing, including underwear, socks, T-shirts, tracksuits, sneakers or closed slippers, and a cushion for the wheelchair seat. Relatives of guests are kindly requested to renew clothing items, also considering changes in the weather.

Life in the ward:

As a precautionary measure to contain Covid-19 contagion, visits are possible at the moment by appointment arranged with the ward.

Doctors meet with patients' relatives by appointment. All appointments must be made with the Nursing Coordinator of the department.


The Ward

Admissions and Outpatient Bookings


"Villa Immacolata" Health Clinic is property of Provincia Romana Camilliani